Create a form

It's time to leave the product pages for a while. Instead, we are going to take a look at how the bluemvc-forms package can be useful when working with forms.

In this example, a simple form with a text field will be created. In the text field, the user can enter his or her name. On submitting the form, the page will greet the user with a "Hello" followed by the name.

Create the form page

Let's create a new page for the form.

Open Application/Controllers/IndexController.php and add the helloAction method:

/** * The index controller class. */ class IndexController extends Controller { /** * The index action. * * @return View The view for this action. */ public function indexAction(): View { $this->setViewItem('Title', 'My website'); return new View(); } public function aboutAction(): View { $model = ['Name' => 'John Doe', 'Email' => '', 'Year' => 2018]; $this->setViewItem('Title', 'About this website'); return new View($model); } public function helloAction(): View { $name = 'Unknown'; $this->setViewItem('Title', 'Hello!'); return new View(['Name' => $name]); } }

Create a new file hello.twig in the directory Application/Views/Index/ with the following content:

{% extends "sitelayout.twig" %} {% block content %} <h1>Hello, {{ Model.Name }}</h1> {% endblock %}

Open Application/Views/sitelayout.twig and add the "Hello"-link:

<div class="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/about">About</a></li> <li><a href="/products/">Products</a></li> <li><a href="/hello">Hello</a></li> </ul> </div>

Check the result

Open the url http://localhost/hello and check the result:

Hello, Unknown

No surprises here! So far we have just created a new ordinary page.

Let's create the form!

Create the directory Application/Forms/ and in that directory, add the file HelloForm.php with the following content:

<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Application\Forms; use BlueMvc\Forms\PostForm; use BlueMvc\Forms\TextField; class HelloForm extends PostForm { public TextField $NameField; public function __construct() { $this->NameField = new TextField('name'); } }

This class declares our form with one text field. The form should now be created in the controller and be sent to the view to be displayed.

Open Application/Controllers/IndexController.php and modify the content to look like this:

<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Application\Controllers; use Application\Forms\HelloForm; use BlueMvc\Core\Controller; use BlueMvc\Core\View; /** * The index controller class. */ class IndexController extends Controller { /** * The index action. * * @return View The view for this action. */ public function indexAction(): View { $this->setViewItem('Title', 'My website'); return new View(); } public function aboutAction(): View { $model = ['Name' => 'John Doe', 'Email' => '', 'Year' => 2018]; $this->setViewItem('Title', 'About this website'); return new View($model); } public function helloAction(): View { $name = 'Unknown'; $form = new HelloForm(); $this->setViewItem('Title', 'Hello!'); return new View(['Name' => $name, 'Form' => $form]); } }

Open Application/Views/Index/hello.twig and add the HTML for the form:

{% extends "sitelayout.twig" %} {% block content %} <h1>Hello, {{ Model.Name }}</h1> <form method="post" action="/hello"> <p> <label>Enter your name</label> {{ Model.Form.NameField | raw }} </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="Say hello"> </p> </form> {% endblock %}

Since the forms NameField property outputs HTML-code, it should not be encoded by Twig. The raw filter prevents this.

Check the result

Reload the http://localhost/hello page:

A form with a text field

Let's try the form. Enter a name in the text field...

A form with a name in text field

...and click on the Say hello button:

A form with a text field

Well, that did not have any effect. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If fact, we haven't yet told the form what should happen when the form is submitted. This, and some input validation, will be done in the next part.

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